Common Questions About Civil Law Answered

Romeo J. Boatswain, Esq
2 min readDec 9, 2023


Curious about the ins and outs of civil law? Delving into the realm of non-criminal legal matters, civil law tackles a myriad of queries. From understanding its role in resolving disputes to differentiating it from criminal law, exploring common questions sheds light on this crucial legal framework.

Civil law is the body of legislation that regulates non-criminal cases, which include a broad range of disagreements between people or organizations. Understanding the basics of civil law can help to clarify its place in our legal system.

What is Civil Law?

Civil law deals with private disputes between individuals or entities, aiming to resolve conflicts and provide remedies rather than criminal punishment. It covers issues like contracts, property disputes, family matters, and personal injury cases.

How Does it Differ from Criminal Law?

Unlike criminal law, which involves offenses against the state and focuses on punishment, civil law addresses disputes between parties seeking compensation or resolution. It aims to settle conflicts rather than prosecute wrongdoers.

What Types of Cases Fall Under Civil Law?

Civil law covers various case types:

Contract Disputes: Breach of contract, enforcement, or disagreements over terms fall under civil law.

Tort Claims: Personal injury cases due to negligence, defamation, or wrongful acts are part of civil law.

Family Law Matters: Divorce, child custody, adoption, and issues related to marriage fall within civil law’s domain.

Property Disputes: Boundary conflicts, landlord-tenant disagreements, and property rights are under civil law.

How Does a Civil Case Proceed?

A civil case starts with a plaintiff filing a complaint against a defendant. Both parties engage in a pre-trial phase, exchanging information and evidence. The case may proceed to trial, where a judge or jury decides based on presented evidence and arguments.


Understanding civil law essence is pivotal in comprehending legal matters outside the criminal realm. It serves as a compass for resolving disputes, offering remedies rather than punitive measures. This framework navigates a vast spectrum, including contracts, injuries, family issues, and property disputes. Knowing its workings ensures fairness and solutions, guiding individuals and entities through non-criminal legal intricacies.



Romeo J. Boatswain, Esq

Renowned lawyer Romeo J. Boatswain, Esq., practices civil law and real estate with dedication in both New York and New Jersey.